Aalamualaikum Wr.wb

        The third day of the English Language Study in the second session. I rushed to class because the lesson would begin. After I searched for a seat, the lecturer soon entered the class, who teaches new lecturers is not the previous one. Then the lecturer introduces himself, after finish introduces, the lecturer gives assignments to college students . We were told to make articles in the form of toefl. The title is free, after that we are told to make reading questions and the structure questions of the article. Lecturers explain how to make questions in the form of reading and structure. When finished, we were told to make a group, 1 group of 2 people. I am a group with Adianto, after that we discuss to determine the group order. My group got second. After finishing the discussion, the lecturer closes today's lesson.

Waasalamualaikum Wr.wb